In the Media
February 2020
- Fox News TV interview: A live TV interview upon our return from Disney.
- Business Insider – The largest article on us in a while.
- – Mostly a repeat of the Business Insider article.
May 2016
- CondeNast Traveler – An article in Spanish for those that can read it or use translation services.
December 2014
- Sunrise – Australia’s #1 morning show had us in studio while we were Down Under.
September 2014
- – A nice international piece on us.
February 2014
- SELF Magazine, Chinese version, 2014 Feb issue: An article on the 10 most romantic things in the world. Check out where we rank!
- Carolyn Menke’s Blog
- Drexel now’s take on our story
January 2014
December 2013
September 2013
- Good Morning America: Our first USA National TV (USA) and the article that led to it.
- WGNTV: A great 4 1/2 minute interview from Chicago.
- Showbiz Tonight: AJ Hammer, Jennifer and me talking it up on CNN’s Headline News.
- Fox 29: Our local TV station came to the house for an interview. Too bad Munson was breathing so hard or she would have been in the shot!
- Huffington Post: This was actually a syndicated video that was made about us.
- The Bridal Guide: One of the nicest stories written about us in a while!
- Another article.
- The Star: A Toronto paper with a great story on us.
- Mashable: Many of you may not know this site, but it’s huge in terms of referals, we love the piece Mashable did for us.
- MacsMagazine : A little coverage on the other side of the pond.
- Another article and a few photos.
- Schweizer Illustrierte: A Swiss site with some high res photos from our syndicator.
- : And the Kiwi’s chime in.
- China Daily Forum: Basically more of the same. 🙂
May 2013
- Korea Economic Daily: A small piece in a Korean newspaper (PDF).
April 2013
- petapixel: Couple travels 135000 miles over 5 years for wedding dress portraits.
- mailonline: The never ending honeymoon all over the world.
- gizmoodiva: Couple travels thousands of miles for the perfect wedding portraits.
- 123Inspiration: Yet another viral spin on our story.
- eetoday: A Tawain spin on our story.
- An Indonesian spin on our story.
- Neatorama: Yet another viral spin on our story.
- Shenzhen Daily: A Chinese spin on our story.
- Trendhunter: Globe Trotting Wedding Photography.
March 2013
- Sunrise: The morning show in Australia had us back and did a spectacular piece. Watch the video on the link.
- A news service spread the word with a custom story and many photos about our project.
- The Finding 40 Project : A great blog celebrating women turning 40.
- Philly Magazine Blog: We didn’t even know about this, it just showed up one day.
- : We almost made it on the Today show, instead we got a great blog post. Here’s hoping we make it soon.
- The Sentinel North Jersey article covering our story and shoot at Monster Mini Golf.
- MSN Now! – Check out the coverage of our story on MSN Now! We were even on their homepage.
July 2011
- Globe-trotting couple’s travel pics have a common thread: Her wedding dress, Philly Daily News, Cover of the Yo! Sections
- Wedding Links We Love,
- 旅行の先々で妻の“花嫁”写真、3年間かけて世界巡り写真集を出版。, (a Japanese website with fun articles)
- No Rest for the Dress, SJ Magazine
- Perspective NJ, ABC, 30 minute interview. We are trying to get a copy on line.
May 2011
- Jennifer and Jeff, The online dating site Jdate did a story about how we met as well as our project.
April 2011
- A Dress on a Mission, Comcast did a story about us including new photos from our trip to the Comcast Center. We even made it on their homepage!
- The Wedding Dress that Traveled the World, Modern Wedding Blog, Australia
- Yes to the Dress, South Jersey Magazine.
March 2011
- Sunrise, Channel Seven Australia, Our first satelitte interview. You can actually see the delays. Check out the video.
- This Dress was Made for Walking, Central Record, NJ (The actual printed piece had many nice photographs)
- The Salvages Live Outside their Professions, Central Record, NJ
- Speed Walking Down the Aisle, While not exactly a positive spin, The Wedinator did a piece on us.
- Would you Where Your Wedding Dress Again…and Again…and Again?,
- We’re on TV. NBC’s Dawn Timmeney interviewed us for a spot on NBC 10 News, you can watch it online.
- Jennifer is a cover girl. Check out the lead article in the Burlington County Times for Valentine’s Day 2011. Since the initial publication, it’s been picked up by the Associated Press and reprinted many times including the Trentonian who added more photographs.
Summer 2009
- View a copy of an article about One Dress, One Woman, One World. It was published in the Summer 2009 issue of Destination Weddings Magazine.
- See the small story about us on the website.
We never share or sell our list.